Software architecture

Shaw, Mary

Software architecture perspectives on an emerging disciplne Mary Shaw, David Garlan - Upper Saddle River, N. J. Prentice Hall 1996 - xxi, 242 p. fig. 24 cm

Το αντίτυπο με ΚΩΕ : 7156 έχει αγοραστεί με κονδύλι της Ερευνητικής Μονάδας 3(ΕΜ3), (κ. Τσώκου)

Includes bibliographical references (pp. 227-237) and index (pp. 239-242)

Chapter 1. Introduction 1.1 What Is Software Architecture? 1.2 An Engineering Discripline for Software Chapter 2. Architectural Styles 2.1 Architectural Styles 2.2 Pipes and Filters 2.3 Data Abstraction and Object-Oriented Organization 2.4 Event-Based, Implicit Invocation 2.5 Layered Systems 2.6 Repositories 2.7 Intepreters 2.8 Process Control 2.9 Other Familiar Architectures 2.10 Heterogeneous Architectures Chapter 3. Case Studies 3.1 Key Word in Context 3.2 Instrumentation Software 3.3 Mobile Robotics 3.4 Cruise Control 3.5 Three Vignettes in Mixed Style Chapter 4. Shared Information Systems 4.1 Shared Information Systems 4.2 Database Integration 4.3 Integration in Software Development Environments 4.4 Integration in the Design of Buildings 4.5 Architectural Structures for shared Information Systems 4.6 Some Conclusions Chapter 5. Architectural Design Guidance 5.1 Guidance for user-Interface Architectures 5.2 The Quantified Design Space Chapter 6. Formal Models and Specifications 6.1 The Value of Architectural Formalism 6.2 Formalizing the architecture of a Specific System 6.3 Formalizing an Architectural Style 6.4 Formalizing an Architectural Design Space 6.5 Toward a Theory of Software Architecture 6.6 What Next? 6.7 Z Notation Used in This Chapter Chapter 7. Linguistic Issues 7.1 Requirements for Architecture-Description Languages 7.2 First-Class Connectors 7.3 adding Implicit Invoication to Traditional Programming Languages Chapter 8. Tools for Architectural Design 8.1 UniCon: A Universl Connector Language 8.2 Exploiting Style in Architectural Design Environments 8.3 Beyond Definition/Use: Architectural Interconnection Chapter 9. Education of Software Architects 9.1 Philosophy and Course Overview 9.2 Course Description 9.3 Assignments 9.4 Evaluation Bibliography Index


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