Lying about Hitler : history, Holocaust, and the David Irving trial /

Evans, Richard J.

Lying about Hitler : history, Holocaust, and the David Irving trial / Richard Evans. - New York, N.Y. : Basic Books, c2001. - xiv, 318 σ. ; 24 εκ.

Preface -- Cht. one. History on trial -- Cht. two. Hitler and the Jews, 1924-1939 -- Cht. three. Hitler and the final solution -- Cht. four. Irving and Holocaust denial -- Cht. five. Bombing of Dresden -- Cht. six. In the witness box -- Cht. seven. Judgment day.

The author examines the libel suit and ensuing trial of Penguin Books UK and Deborah Lipstadt against holocaust denier David Irving. The author uses the trial to explore the question of Nazi genocide against the Jews and the roles of Hitler, Himmler and Goebbels in the Holocaust

0465021522 9780465021529


Irving, David John Cawdell, 1938- --Δίκες, δικαστικές διενέξεις κλπ.

Άρνηση του Ολοκαυτώματος --Ιστοριογραφία--Μεγάλη Βρετανία
Ολοκαύτωμα, Εβραϊκό (1939-1945)

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