Coconut chaos /

Souhami, Diana

Coconut chaos / Diana Souhami. - London : Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2007. - xii, 259 σ. : εικ., χάρτες ; 23 εκ.

"Pitcairn, mutiny, and a seduction at sea"--Dust jacket.

I. Rosie's blouse -- ΙΙ. Tauranga to Bounty Bay -- ΙΙΙ. On Pitcairn -- ΙV. Other islands -- V. Afterword

"At dawn on 27 April 1789 Fletcher Christian, master's mate on HMS Bounty, took a coconut to quench his thirst from the supply on the quarterdeck ... He thought this an 'act of no consequence', as insignificant as the flutter of a butterfly's wings. But consequences followed: mutiny; Captain Bligh's navigation 3000 miles across the Pacific in an open boat in violent weather, without maps or supplies and with starving men; the colonising of Pitcairn Island; the shipwreck on the Great Barrier Reef of HMS Pandora sent to capture the mutineers; the seduction of the narrator in a storm at sea in a rudderless yacht." "Hazardous and extraordinary sea voyages drive this story of quest and adventure, courage and villainy. The cast includes the Bounty mutineers, the all-Indian crew of the Tundra Princess - a 17,000-tonne container ship - Lady Myre, an eccentric lesbian aristocrat, Pitcairn Island sex offenders and the narrator's ancient mother. The action moves through time and place from eighteenth-century Tahiti to modern-day Pitcairn, from Knightsbridge to Tauranga, from Mangareva to Tubuai." "Inspired by chaos theory, Whitbread Prizewinner Diana Souhami brings wit and originality to a story that weaves together fact and fiction, history and autobiography, humour and danger. She shows how one chance act, one simple random event, had dramatic ramifications that ripple through time."


Ανταρσία Bounty, 1789
Ναυτική ζωή -- Ιστορία.

Pitcairn Islands--Ιστορία.

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