Antigone in the Americas :

Henao Castro, Andrés Fabián

Antigone in the Americas : democracy, sexuality, and death in the settler colonial present / Andrés Fabián Henao Castro. - Albany : State University of New York Press, [2021]. - xiii, 275 σ. : εικ. ; 24 εκ. - SUNY Series in Gender Theory .

Περιλαμβάνει βιβλιογραφικές παραπομπές (σ. 247-266) και ευρετήρια.

The Ancient Drama of Political Membership: Slavery, Metoikia, and Citizenship in Sophocles's Antigone -- The Modern/Colonial Drama of Political Membership, SettlerColonial Capitalism, and the Slave -- Metic -- Citizen Triad -- Redefining the Political Through Its Subtending Racialized Logic of Valuation -- From Antigone in the Americas to the Americas in Antigone -- From Classicization to Decolonial Rumination -- Chapter Overview -- Antigone In Colonial Antiquity: A Critique Of Democratic Theory In Ancient Athens -- The Democratic Disavowal of Slavery and Metoikia -- Tragedy's Misinterpellated Anarchy -- Toward a Political Antigone -- What If Antigone Was a Metici -- What If Polyneices Was a Slave? -- Antigone In Colonial Modernity: A Critique Of Feminist And Queer Theory In North America -- Slavery, Metoikia, and Citizenship in Colonial Modernity -- From the Queer Equivocality of Kinship Positions to the Racial Equivocality of Social Positions -- Whose Ethical Act of Sublimation? -- Tiresias's Gender Complementarity and the Fungibilitycum Fugitivity of Black Transness -- Whose Future? -- Fear of a Quare and TwoSpirit Planet -- Antigone In Colonial Postmodernity: A Critique Of Biopolitics In Latin America -- Slavery, Metoikia, and Citizenship in Colonial Postmodernity -- A Modern Biopolitical Antigone in Europe -- Postmodern Necropolitical Antigones in Latin America -- From Modern Melodrama to Postmodern Decolonial Cacophonies -- Antigone In The Settler-Colonial Present Of The Racial Capitalocene: A Critique Of Deconstruction In The Americas -- Antigone in the Age of the Racial Capitalocene -- The Racialized Burial and the Human Border -- A Specter Is Haunting the Americas -- Decolonial Mourning at the Level of World Historical Events -- Black and Indigenous Wakeful Mo'nin. ch. 1 ch. 2 ch. 3 ch. 4

"Sophocles's classical tragedy, Antigone, is continually reinvented, particularly in the Americas. Theater practitioners and political theorists alike revisit the story to hold states accountable for their democratic exclusions, as Antigone did in disobeying the edict of her uncle, Creon, for refusing to bury her brother, Polynices. Antigone in the Americas not only analyzes the theoretical reception of Antigone, when resituated in the Americas, but further introduces decolonial rumination as a new interpretive methodology through which to approach classical texts. Traveling between modern present and ancient past, Andrés Fabián Henao Castro focuses on metics (resident aliens) and slaves, rather than citizens, making the feminist politics of burial long associated with Antigone relevant for theorizing militant forms of mourning in the global south. Grounded in settler colonial critique, black and woman of color feminisms, and queer and trans of color critique, Antigone in the Americas offers a more radical interpretation of Antigone, one relevant to subjects situated under multiple and interlocking systems of oppression."-- Περιγραφή εκδότη

9781438484273 9781438484280

Σοφοκλής, 496-406 Αντιγόνη.
Σοφοκλής (496-406) --Ερμηνεία και κριτική.

Αντιγόνη (Μυθολογία) στη λογοτεχνία
Πολιτική και λογοτεχνία
Έρωτας στη λογοτεχνία
Θάνατος στη λογοτεχνία
Ελληνικό δράμα (Τραγωδία)--Ιστορία και κριτική

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