Breakdown in human adaptation to "stress"

Breakdown in human adaptation to "stress" towards a multidisciplinary approach The Commission of the Eruopean Communities - Boston Martinus Nijhoff Publishers 1984 - 2 v. 24 cm.

Includes references

v.1. Part 1 : Psychological and sociological parameters for studies of breakdown in human adaptation / J. Cullen and J. Siegrist (editors). Part 2 : Human performance and breakdown in adaptation / H. M. Wegmann (editor). - xxiii, 622 p. -- v.2. Part 3 : Psychoneuroimmunology and breakdown in adaptation : interactions within the central nervous system, the immune and endocrine systems / R. E. Ballieux (editor). Part 4 : Breakdown in human adaptation and gastrointestinal dysfunction : clinical, biochemical and psychobiological aspects / J. F. Fielding (editor). Part 5 : Acute effect of psychologicla stress on the cardiovascular system : models and clinical assessment / A. L'Abbate (editor). - var. pag. --



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