Paradigms in computing :

Paradigms in computing : making, machines, and models for design agency in architecture /$ Dr. David Jason Gerber, Mariana Ibañez, [editors]. - Los Angeles, CA : eVolo, [2014] - 400 σ. : έγχρ. εικ. ; 25 εκ.

Περιλαμβάνει βιβλιογραφικές αναφορές

Design methodology or mythology / Simon Kim -- Dissipative models: notes toward a design method / Philip Beesley -- Situating architectural computing within design and research manner, medium and function / Shajay Bhooshan, Zaha Hadid Architects, [ZHA]-Code -- Process compendium 2004-2010 / Casey Reas -- GF42 Trimaran / Greg Lynn -- The data made me do it, direct, deferred, and dessolved authorship and the architecture of the crowd / Kyle Steinfeld, Levon Fox, Alex Spatzier -- Guidelines for the agent-based design methodology for structural integration: inanimate material physics simulation and animate generative rules / Satoru Sugihara --Material computation: The Collier Memorial design using analog and digital tools / J. Meejin Yoon -- Post-capitalist design: design in the ages of access / Jose Sanchez -- A few remarks on the politics of "radical computation" / Philippe Morel -- The evolution of world building as a new design practice / Alex McDowell --^ There is no such thing as digital design / Neil Leach -- Osaka: a distinctive urbanism / Tom Verbes, Ocean CN -- Cloud Osaka / Alisa Andrasek -- Osaka: a topological ground-scraper becoming a grounded sky-scraper / Pablo Lorenzo-Eiroa -- Parametric semiology: the design of information rich environments / Patrik Schumacher, Zaha Hadid Architects -- nonLin/Lin Pavilion / Marc Fornes -- Natural computing: operationalizing the creativity of the natural world / Rachel Armstrong -- From coding, to representation, to formal autonomy, to media reproduction: four levels of architecture agency / Pablo Lorenzo-Eiroa -- Synthetic landscapes / Elena Manferdini, Anna Maria Manferdini -- Lab in the building/ building in the lab?: Pluripotent matter and bioinspiration / Maria Paz Gutierrez -- Elasticity and networks: design computation tools for architecture and science / Jenny E. Sabin, Peter Lloyd Jones -- Digital design as a material practice / Leire Asensio Villoria, David Mah --^ If material is the new software, then how do I write it?: Establishing an open source tool-chain for responsive material design and fabrication / Nick Puckett -- Autonomous tectonics II / Matias del Campo -- Creative architecture machines / Jason Kelly Johnson -- Designing within: a spatial theory for designing biologies inside the living / Orkan Telhan -- Beyond prototyping ;/ Jenny Wu -- Towards and architecture of cyber-physical systems / Kathy Velikov, Geoffrey Thün -- Owens Lake rapid landscape prototyping machine: reverse-engineering design agency for landscape infrastructures / Alexander Robinson -- Synthetic mudscapes / Bradley Cantrell -- Ideal models vs. hybrid models: feedback from physical and digital process artifacts in architectural design / Tom Bessai --^ Pure tension pavilion: synthesis design + architecture's (SDA) Volvo pure tension: pavilion sets new precedent for alternative energy and personal mobility / Alvin Huang ; parametric tendencies and design agencies / David Jason Gerber.

Paradigms in Computing: Making, Machines, and Models for Design Agency in Architecture investigates and instigates critical, theoretical, and practical research and design that illustrate the plurality of computing approaches within the broad spectrum of design and mediated practices. This book is an exploration of critical discourse in the form of theoretical work, as well as design projects illustrated through the pervasive and tightly coupled nature of computing and digital theory with modes and models of design research and production. This book proposes, explores, and argues for and against the plurality of paradigms of computing within contemporary research and architectural practice. Through the combination the book investigates the digital as a form of agency within architecture and the expanding design disciplines akin and adjacent to it.^ Arguably, the convergence of the cyber, physical, and social is producing a potent set of possibilities that challenges and fosters an open polemical debate of the notions of Design Agency and the pluri-potent Paradigms in Computing for design practice. By soliciting contributors from the fields of Design, Architecture, Media Arts, Science, Engineering, Philosophy, and Cultural Theory, Paradigms in Computing will lend itself to furthering this discourse. In order to elicit critical discussion, the book sought answers and provocations to the questions of integration, disintegration, and or novel realizations of computation for design practices from within these fields of inquiry and for the highly information-rich built environments of today and the future. Paradigms in Computing: Making, Machines, and Models for Design Agency in Architecture is a curated series of essays and projects.^ Articles that provoke discussion around and about the theme of Paradigms and Design Agencies are particularly interesting to our sense for the making, machines, modes, methods, and models that incorporate, invent, and/or illustrate 'Design Agency', and discuss similar or contrary positions with respect to contemporary paradigms of computing in and for design


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