Social housing :

Karakusevic, Paul

Social housing : definitions & design exemplars / Paul Karakusevic, Abigail Batchelor. - Newcastle upon Tyne : Riba Publishing, 2017 - v, 175 σ. : έγχρ. εικ. ; 31 εκ.

Περιλαμβάνει βιβλιογραφικές αναφορές και ευρετήριο.

Essay / Paul Karakusevic -- Interview / Neave Brown -- Interview / Finn Williams -- 1. Council housing -- Introduction -- Interview / Karen Barke -- 1.1. Colville Estate, UK -- Karakusevic Carson Architects -- 1.2. Agar Grove, UK -- Hawkins\Brown + Mae -- 1.3. Silchester Estate, UK -- Haworth Tompkins -- 1.4. Goldsmith Street, UK / Mikhail Riches -- Interview -- Jeremy Grint + Jennifer Coombes -- 2. Renovation strategies -- Introduction -- Interview / Anne Lacaton -- 2.1. Tour Bois-le-Pretre, France -- Lacaton & Vassal + Druot -- 2.2. Ellebo Garden Room, Denmark -- Adam Khan Architects -- 2.3. Knikflats, The Netherlands -- Biq/Hans van der Heijden -- 2.4. Hillington Square, UK -- Mae -- 3. New processes among residents -- Introduction -- 3.1. Granby Four Streets, UK -- Assemble -- Transcript / Hazel Tilley -- 3.2. Wohnprojekt Wien, Austria -- Einszueins -- 3.3. K1 Co-housing, UK -- Mole -- 3.4. BIGyard, Germany -- Zanderroth Architekten -- 4. Mixed cities -- Introduction -- Interview / Mark Brearley -- 4.1. Osdorp mixed-use centre and housing, The Netherlands -- Mecanoo -- 4.2. Les Lilas young workers housing and creche, France -- Chartier Dalix Architectes + Avenier Cornejo Architects -- 4.3. Lourmel mixed use housing, France -- Trevelo & Viger-Kohler Architectes Urbanistes (TVK) -- 4.4. Carre Lumiere, France -- LAN architecture -- 5. Urban responses and challenging sites -- Introduction -- Interview / Dominic Papa -- 5.1. Housing and creche, Switzerland -- Sergison Bates Architects + Jean-Paul Jaccaud Architectes -- 5.2. Kings Crescent, UK -- Karakusevic Carson Architects + Henley Halebrown -- 5.3. Paspoel Anders, Belgium -- S333 Architecture + Urbanism -- 5.4. Darbishire Place, UK -- Niall McLaughlin Architects -- 5.5. Bacton Estate, UK -- Karakusevic Carson Architects -- 5.6. Almshouse, UK -- Witherford Watson Mann Architects -- 5.7. Tower Court, UK -- Adam Khan Architects + muf architecture/art -- 5.8. Nightingale Estate, UK -- Karakusevic Carson Architects + Stephen Taylor Architects + Henley Halebrown + Townshend Landscape Architects -- Interview / Rachel Bagenal -- Conclusion -- Abigail Batchelor.


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