Astrophysical recipes :

Zwart, Simon Portegies

Astrophysical recipes : the art of AMUSE / Art of AMUSE. Art of Astronomical Multipurpose Software Environment. Simon Portegies Zwart, Steve McMillan. - Bristol : IOP Publishing, c2018. - 1 ηλεκτρονική πηγή (ποικίλες σελιδαριθμήσεις) : έγχρ. εικ. - AAS-IOP astronomy. [release 1], 2514-3433 . - AAS-IOP astronomy. Release 1. .

Περιλαμβάνει βιβλιογραφικές παραπομπές.

1. What is computational astrophysics? -- 1.1. Computational astrophysics -- 1.2. A brief history of simulations in astrophysics -- 1.3. Software used in this book -- 1.4. Initial conditions 2. Gravitational dynamics -- 2.1. In a nutshell -- 2.2. N-body integration strategies -- 2.3. Gravity solvers in AMUSE -- 2.4. Examples -- 2.5. Validation -- 2.6. Assignments 3. Stellar structure and evolution -- 3.1. In a nutshell -- 3.2. Simulating stellar evolution -- 3.3. Examples -- 3.4. Validation -- 3.5. Assignments 4. Elementary coupling strategies -- 4.1. Multiphysics problems -- 4.2. Combining two or more solvers -- 4.3. Analysis tools -- 4.4. Multi-code strategies -- 4.5. The multiples module -- 4.6. Examples -- 4.7. Validation -- 4.8. Assignments 5. Hydrodynamics -- 5.1. in a nutshell -- 5.2. Hydrodynamics in AMUSE -- 5.3. Examples -- 5.4. Validation -- 5.5. Assignments 6. Radiative transfer -- 6.1. In a nutshell -- 6.2. Radiative transfer in AMUSE -- 6.3. Examples -- 6.4. Validation -- 6.5. Assignments 7. Hierarchical coupling strategies -- 7.1. Code-coupling strategies -- 7.2. Using bridge -- 7.3. Bridging other codes -- 7.4. Examples -- 7.5. Assignments 8. Case studies -- 8.1. Accretion in the galactic center from s-star winds -- 8.2. Supernova impact on the early solar system -- 8.3. Closure 9. Epilogue -- Appendices. A. AMUSE fundamentals -- B. AMUSE specifics -- C. Programming primer.

Computational astrophysics is a new and quickly growing discipline. In this book the authors outline the fundamentals for computational astrophysics, focusing on the use of the Astronomical Multipurpose Software Environment (AMUSE), which is a general-purpose simulation environment in astrophysics written in Python. AMUSE allows you to combine existing solvers to build new applications that can be combined again to study gradually more complex situations. This enables the growth of multi-physics and multi-scale application software in a hierarchical fashion, testing each intermediate step as the complexity of the software continues to increase. All examples in the book are associated with codes that run on a simple laptop or workstation. All figures are reproducible with a simple script, and all scripts are available online to be downloaded and run accordingly.

9780750313209 9780750313223

Αστροφυσική--Υπολογιστική προσομοίωση

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