Introduction to beam dynamics in high-energy electron storage rings /

Wolski, Andrej

Introduction to beam dynamics in high-energy electron storage rings / Andrzej Wolski. - San Rafael [Καλιφόρνια] : Morgan & Claypool Publishers, c2018. - 1 ηλεκτρονική πηγή (ποικίλες σελιδαριθμήσεις) : εικ. (μερ. έγχρ.). - IOP concise physics, 2053-2571 . - IOP concise physics. .

Περιλαμβάνει βιβλιογραφικές παραπομπές.

1. Introduction -- 1.1. A brief history of electron storage rings and their uses -- 1.2. General features and subsystems -- 1.3. Some examples of electron storage rings 2. Linear optics -- 2.1. Co-ordinate system and transfer matrices -- 2.2. Betatron oscillations -- 2.3. Emittance -- 2.4. The closed orbit -- 2.5. Dispersion -- 2.6. Coupling -- 2.7. Momentum compaction factor -- 2.8. Synchrotron oscillations and phase stability 3. Synchrotron radiation -- 3.1. Features of synchrotron radiation -- 3.2. Radiation damping and quantum excitation -- 3.3. Natural emittance and lattice design 4. Nonlinear dynamics -- 4.1. Chromaticity -- 4.2. Resonances -- 4.3. Dynamic aperture -- 4.4. Energy acceptance 5. Collective effects -- 5.1. Touschek scattering and space charge -- 5.2. Ion trapping -- 5.3. Wake fields, wake functions, and impedances -- 5.4. Potential-well distortion -- 5.5. Microwave instability -- 5.6. Coupled-bunch instabilities 6. Further topics -- 6.1. Advanced tools for beam dynamics -- 6.2. Some other phenomena -- 6.3. The future : ‘ultimate' storage rings, and beyond.

Electron storage rings play a crucial role in many areas of modern scientific research. Introduction to Beam Dynamics in High-Energy Electron Storage Rings describes the physics of particle behaviour in these machines. Starting with an outline of the history, uses and structure of electron storage rings, the book develops the foundations of beam dynamics, covering particle motion in the components used to guide and focus the beams, the effects of synchrotron radiation, and the impact of interactions between the particles in the beams.

9781681749891 9781681749877

10.1088/978-1-6817-4989-1 doi

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