Essays ancient and modern /

Knox, Bernard, 1914-2010

Essays ancient and modern / Bernard Knox. - Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, c1989. - xxxv, 312 σ. ; 24 εκ.

Ομοιόμορφος τίτλος: Essays ancient & modern.

Περιλαμβάνει βιβλιογραφικές παραπομπές.

The ancient world: Greek literature & society: Work and justice in archaic Greece : Hesiod's Works and days -- Dogs and heroes in Homer -- Triumph of a heretic -- The freedom of Oedipus -- The Greek polis: Ancient slavery and modern ideology -- The toilers find a voice -- Greece à la française -- Thucydides and the Peloponnesian War : politics and power -- Invisible woman. The Socratic method -- The modern world: Survivals & transformations: The life of a legend -- Oedipus Rex -- The Greek conquest of Britain -- Visions of the grand prize -- The scorpion's sting -- On poets & poetry: Subversive activities -- Closet modern -- Siegfried Sassoon -- W.H. Auden -- Fortsre's later years -- From Madrid to the garden of the Finzi-Contini: Everybody but Shakespeare -- Remembering Madrid -- The Spanish tragedy -- One woman's war -- The triumph of the Italian Jews.

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