Atlas of infectious diseases

Atlas of infectious diseases [CD-ROM] editor-in-chief Gerald L. Mandell - Philadelphia London Current Medicine Inc. Electronic Press 1996 - 10 v. 4 3/4 in. user's guide

Medline linked

v.1. Aids / editor Donna Mildvan. - 1 CD-ROM -- v.2. Skin, soft tissue, bone and joint infections / editor Dennis L. Stevens. - 1 CD-ROM -- v.3. Central nervous system and eye infections / editor Thomas P. Bleck. - 1 CD-ROM -- v.4. Upper respiratory and head and neck infections / editor Itzhak Brook. - 1 CD-ROM -- v.5. Sexually transmitted deseases / editor Michael F. Rein. - 1 CD-ROM -- v.6. Pleuropulmonary and bronchial infections / editor Michael S. Simberkoff. - 1 CD-ROM -- v.7. Intra-abdominal infections, hepatitis, and gastroenteritis / editor Bennett Lorber. - 1 CD-ROM -- v.8. External manifestations of systemic infections / editor Robert Fekety. - 1 CD-ROM -- v.9. Urinary tract infections and infections of the female pelvis / editor Jack D. Sobel. - 1 CD-ROM -- v.10. Cardiovascular infections / editor Oksana M. Korzeniowski. - 1 CD-ROM.

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